i am american
back in the ussr?
I feel like I’m almost there, back in the USSR, except that it’s a capitalist paradise, decor in shiny blue and gray, market competition taking place in front of my very eyes. I’m at AccessBank, that bank I talked about a long time ago. And it’s website is down there on the right. It’s my first day working in the bank branch here in Lənkəran.
back in the ussr?
Back in the [Workplace]
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After a few months in limbo, following this crushing defeat, I’ve taken up going to the AccessBank branch in Lənkəran twice a week, for full day’s work each day, plus an extra hour to teach some business/professional English vocabulary. It makes for a long day, and some extended walks around this small bank branch.
In addition to my sharing English-speaking talents, I’ve also been sitting in on meetings of the credit committees. Overseen by the senior loan officers here, each junior loan officer presents their proposals for new clients. After making their case, they discuss and decide whether to approve or not approve the loan. It’s an interesting process to watch, as they describe how many heads of cattle or sheep each farmer keeps, or how much honey they sell each month, or how many people in the family are pensioners.
I’m going to finish the day with the part I’m anticipating liking the least, which is teaching English. I’m doing it because it’s something that people here will feel is a tangible contribution, which they can appreciate right away, and also as a way to get to know people here in the office. We’ll see how it goes.